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We have recently been sent details from Lambeth to support residents who are struggling with the current cost of living crisis.

Here are links to support from other local authorities.

Here is a link to the support offered by Croydon.

Here is a link to support offered by Wandsworth

and also support from Southwark and Bromley

Particular advice and guidance for Covid 19 and what you should do if you are worried is on the Coronavirus Support resources page - please see tab to the right.

School Aged Vaccination Clinics 

It is important to continue to protect everyone from vaccine preventable diseases and Lambeth’s school-age immunisation provider (HRCH) will be running community clinics to ensure that the delivery and uptake of school-age vaccinations are uninterrupted by the current pandemic. The attached flyer  below outlines the dates, times and venues. School-age children are encouraged to take up this offer by booking an appointment via the telephone numbers outlined in the attached flyer. Scroll down to attachments.

We take the well-being of staff and pupils at the Norwood School very seriously.

Please look at the guidance and information that we have gathered on the tab to your left that offer support and guidance to those of you who might need it during the foreseeable school closures due to the coronavirus outbreak. 

All students have been directed to our Student Handbook in order to understand our rules and expectations, and the importance of demonstrating respect, integrity and courtesy in their interactions with others. You are welcome to view this on our website (under the Parents Tab then Behaviour and Safety for Key Stage 3 and 4 and under the Sixth Form tab for Key Stage 5). 

Emotional Health and Well-Being

If you or your child are concerned about bullying, we have introduced a section on our website where a concern can be reported about a student at Norwood. This form is confidential and can be completed anonymously. Any entry on here will be dealt with seriously and sensitively, and should be used appropriately. As always, if there is a concern about a child in danger or immediate harm, the police should be contacted. The ‘Report Bullying’ facility on the school’s website is in the ‘Parents’ section, under ‘Behaviour and Safety’.

Whilst we will signpost students and their families to external agencies, you can access additional support for your child at the Well Centre in Streatham. The Well Centre is a youth health centre where a young person can see a youth worker, counsellor or doctor to discuss health concerns or worries in a safe and confidential space. Details of this service can be found at

Students can also use the ‘ChatHealth’ service for confidential advice and support on 07507332150. ChatHealth is a messaging service for young people to get confidential advice about health related issues. It's for young people attending school or living in Lambeth and Southwark aged 11-19 years. Details of this service can be found at

There is also offering free, safe and anonymous online counselling support for young people. This service is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the NHS.

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Please be aware that as a school we will deal with issues affecting our students when they are inside school. If serious incidents take place outside school, it is important that they are reported to the police. We work closely with our Safer Schools Officer regarding issues outside school. Please be advised that the police non-emergency number (101) is the number to call when you want to contact your local police. You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.

We continue to be concerned as a school about students’ use of social media and their mobile phones. In an attempt to ensure that students feel safe, when your child joined Norwood we provided you with information regarding social media and the dangers of the use of certain websites and phone applications as part of our ICT Safer Use Contract (E-Safety Advice and Rules for Responsible ICT, Data Use and Mobile Phones) and continue to reinforce these messages in assemblies and form time. 

We want your child to be safe and ask for your support in ensuring they are using their mobile phone appropriately. We have discussed the importance of using phones as a tool for learning rather than a TV or games console when out of school. We have discussed the need to take a disciplined approach to their use. Some simple advice was shared; when trying to work at home - turn phones to flight mode when studying, turn the phone to silent and put it upside down to avoid distraction. If you would like further advice please click here. (

Whilst we want to students to become good self-managers there are parental controls that can be applied to your child’s smart phone or if you have a concern about a social network your child uses, with expert advisors to help. Please call 08088005002. In addition to this, the ‘Think U Know’ website also provides helpful guidance and support to parents (

Railway Safety

You can see the highlights from Rail Safety LIVE which was a live streamed event that was broadcast to thousands across the UK during Rail Safety Week (24th – 30th June). We will be sharing the full video in tutor time with all students across the school. The live event focused on rail safety, the dangers on and near the railway and key safety messages to help keep your young people safe. The broadcast featured members of Network Rail, British Transport Police (BTP) and Chiltern Railway who answered questions from a live and virtual audience throughout the interactive broadcast. We also met Tom Hubbard who featured in the You vs Train campaign with Network Rail.

It is recommended that you watch the short film using google chrome. There is the opportunity to log in as a parent on the website.

Rail Safety Film

Let's Talk About

Take a look below at some of our recent Let's Talk About sessions - these are delivered by tutors to students in Tutor Times. The weekly topic will often be inspired by current affairs.