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Name of subject: Mathematics

Examination board: Edexcel

Qualification – (A-Level/BTEC): A Level

Entry requirements: High B / A Grade at GCSE Mathematics

Description of the course (Overview):

A Level maths is a well regarded A Level and sits alongside scientific and creative disciplines with ease. It shows universities and employers a new set of thinking skills that is difficult to gain from other subjects and is very desirable in most career paths. The course is modular, with three units being sat in the first year  followed by another three in the second year.

What topics will students cover? – Year 12 & Year 13

AS Modules

Core 1: Non-calculator

Core 2: Calculator

S1: Statistics -Calculator

Indices & Surds

Factor & Remainder Theorem

Mathematical models in probability and statistics


Sine & Cosine rule

Representing and summary of data - location

Equations & Inequalities

Exponentials / Logarithms

Representing and summary of data – measure of dispersion


Co-ordinate geometry

Representation of data

Co-ordinate geometry

Binomial Expansion






Geometric Series

  7.     Regression


Trigonometric graphs

  8.     Discrete random variables



  9.    The normal distribution


Trigonometric Identities





The Core modules (C1 and C2) build on algebraic techniques learnt in GCSE and extends these to new contexts. The course moves you towards solving more complex problems, including those involving calculus for example optimisation problems (i.e. maximising profit for a company). This section of the course is very algebra heavy and enables you to fully understand the applied sections of the course.

The Statistics module covers a number of statistical techniques – some of them (such as correlation) are a direct extension of work completed in GCSE Mathematics and Statistics. All topics follow on from Higher GCSE Statistics, though some of them have not been seen in GCSE Mathematics.

In the 2nd year you will study another two algebra modules as well as a module in Decision mathematics. This module looks at real life problems and the best way in which to solve them using mathematical algorithms.

What skills will they particularly develop?

The logical thinking skills and analytical skills developed in A Level mathematics is highly sought by employers and universities. You will develop your ability to solve problems logically and think systematically about tasks. 

Careers – progression

Where does this programme of study lead e.g. examples of the types of careers that students can progress into?

Maths leads into most careers. It supports job and university applications across many fields. It is however a crucial qualification for many careers.


  • Science
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Accounting/Finance
  • Mathematics
  • Business


  • ICT