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Government & Politics​​​​​​​

Name of subject: Government and Politics

Examination board: Edexcel

Qualification: A-Level

Entry requirements: B – English, B – Humanities subject (ideally Citizenship)

Description of the course:

What topics will students cover? 

Students need to be interested in current affairs and the news!

Yr 12: People and Politics (voting/protest etc) and Governing the UK (institutions and processes).

Yr 13:  American Politics with studies of the president, Supreme Court, Congress and racial issues amongst more.

What skills will they particularly develop?

Skills: Analytical, debating, advocacy (representing others), political literacy, independence.

Degree options: Politics, PPE (Politics, Philosophy and Economics,) Economics, International Relations, European Studies, International Aid, Public Service, Anthropology, Sociology , English.

Careers – progression. Where does this programme of study lead e.g. examples of the types of careers that students can progress into?

Studying Government & Politics will open careers in law and politics. Students who have studied G&P have entered careers in journalism, local government and media. However, a degree in G&P will open doors in a wide range of careers. 

Enrichment activities

Parliament visit, Youth Parliament membership, law courts, speakers (M.P.s/M.E.P.s/Barristers), London Mayor,  Debate club/Debating Matters competition, news show audience, lectures at universities and at Parliament, school council.