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Labour Market Information

LMI helps students explore and investigate key aspects of a particular area of employment.

  • The sectors,industries and businesses that operate there
  • The jobs that exist
  • The number and type of vacancies available
  • The sectors and the industries that are predicted to grow and increase in the coming years.
  • Travel to work routes
  • The kind of skills that are/will be needed by industries and businesses
  • Pay and progression routes.

Interpreting and narrowing down LMI that is applicable to a young person’s needs can become overwhelming, it is therefore better to start researching areas of interest and concentrate on those industries. We also recommend looking local resources.

Take time to reflect on your own understanding:

How up-to-date are you?

How much has changed since your family went to university?

What routes are there other than university?

It’s no longer safe to assume that if a young person has not achieved straight A* GCSE and A level results they can rule out medicine or veterinary science.

We would like to help ensure our students are aware of how their subject and course choices can open career options, but can also close them down.

We know that it is crucial that young people need to hear about careers, work and job roles from the ‘experts’ – the people doing those jobs. 

We encourage students to ask visitors, speakers and employers about their career progression routes – we know that it helps them recognise that paths are not necessarily linear and throw up some unexpected career choices. 

Why is LMI Important to Young People?

‘It is vital, in an environment where new industries are emerging and many of the most important jobs of the future don’t yet exist, that individuals have access to high-quality labour market information and earnings data to underpin their choices’. Anne Milton MP

Have you looked at some of these useful websites?

Sector Insights cover a range of sectors and topics

Careers of the Future and The Future of Work: Jobs and Skills in 2030 present an assessment of future challenges and opportunities in the labour market, and the implications for jobs and skills

National Careers Service (England) My World of Work (Scotland), Careers Service (Northern Ireland) and Careers Wales provide a range of information and job profiles.

National Careers Service and provide labour market information (LMI) by sector and region.

IPPR Britain in the 2020s

Managing Automation: Employment, Equality, Ethics in the Digital Age

Economist Intelligence Unit Automated, creative, & dispersed. The future of work in the

21st century

World Economic Forum The Future of Jobs

Working Futures1 UK Labour Market Projections: 2014 - 2024

Local Enterprise Partnerships

LEP Network Strategic Economic Plans

Careers Websites

National Careers Service

Apprenticeship Guide

Career Pilot


Job Portals


Monster Jobs



Universal Jobmatch

Chambers of Commerce Local Chamber website

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Take a look at this short film from Jacobs, find out more about this company and how they understand and influence the Labour Market. 

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