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Statutory Guidance, Provider Access Policy, Baker Clause

Norwood School is proud to support the 'provider access legislation'. It is a new law that is coming into force in January 2023.

The ‘Baker Clause’: supports students to understand the full range of education and training options.

Schools and colleges have a responsibility to set students on the path that will secure the best outcome which will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need. That means schools and colleges must act impartially, in line with their statutory duty or contractual requirement, and not show bias towards any route, be that academic or technical. We promote a full range of technical options.

The updated provider access legislation (PAL) specifies schools must provide at least six encounters for all their students:  

  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend 
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend 
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 or 13) that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend 

The new legislation will become a key mechanism to further help learners understand and take-up, not just apprenticeships, but wider technical education options such as T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications.  

Norwood School is keen to support providers linking with us as a school to create meaningful activities as part of our wider progressive careers programme. 

If you are a provider and would like to get in touch email Ms Nicholas, Senior Deputy Head on

Careers guidance and access for education and training providers.

Statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff.

Provider Access Policy.

Please access attachments below.