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Year 7 and 8

What can you expect in Year 7 and Year 8 as part of  our Careers Guidance Strategy?

Key Themes

  • Exploring interests and strengths
  • My career journey
  • Coping with change and transition and planning for the future
  • Challenging stereotypes

Career Challenges

  • Investigate job families and identify the ones that most closely match your interests
  • ‘Draw’ a career timeline to track the decisions you’ll face in the next seven years.
  • Set up a skills log to record how you best demonstrate the skills needed for employability

School Provision

  • Careers interest and self-assessment exercises such as Fast Tomato, Kudos or JED to explore different career areas
  • Careers assemblies
  • Visit to School based Careers Fair
  • Exploring equality and diversity through investigating different images of learning and work and the people involved
  • Industry days and activities linked to, for example – 7 Billion Ideas Company,  ENO Opera Squad, National Science and Engineering Week and The Big Draw.