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Why Choose Norwood Sixth Form?

Student Enrichment Programme

As part of our Student Enrichment Programme you will be able to take part in a variety of activities and learn new skills. There are places to visit, events to take part in and sporting teams to represent. We have established links with a number of exciting clubs and arts organisations for example First Give, Access Aspirations, Access Project, Arts Emergency and the Oppidan Mentoring Scheme.

Sixth Form Study Hub

The Study Hub will continue to provide you with a wide range of information and computing services to help maximise your learning. The Study Hub provides access to a silent working environment. The atrium will be a place of your own to meet, have tutorials, study or just relax. It will have full access to your own ICT facilities, workstations, 6th Form notice board, careers, library and lockers in the Sixth form space.

The Norwood Art Gallery and Theatre

The Norwood Art Gallery hosts exhibitions of contemporary art, design and crafts. You will have the chance to exhibit your work at the Gallery along with staff and international artists. Many of the exhibitions will open to the public. The Theatre will play host to many Sixth Form events, showcases and productions.

Educational Trips

We recognise how valuable trips and residential are as part of your learning programme. Some are very specific to the course you are studying whilst others support the general curriculum or are recreational. We believe that if you take part in and enjoy life as a 6th former you will be more successful. Why not join a cultural trip to Berlin or a fashion trip to Milan or Paris or a Spanish trip to Barcelona or Bilbao?

Senior Student Leadership

The Senior Student Leadership Team are expected to play an active role within the school. They will work with the Senior Yr 11 Prefects and Leadership Team to play a key role in developing the student voice within Norwood.


We aim to encourage in students a sense of personal responsibility within the school and the wider community. You will be expected to act as role models and ambassadors for the Norwood School and to follow established codes of conduct and have a very good attendance and punctuality record.

Healthy Lifestyles

You will be able to participate in a variety of exciting leisure activities including, netball, football, gymnastics, cricket, baseball, aerobics, swimming, yoga, pilates, martial arts, self defence and trampolining.

Work Experience

As a Norwood School Sixth Former you will have the opportunity to take part in an exciting work experience programme. Your placements will relate specifically to your individual interests.

10 Reasons why you should stay at the Norwood Sixth Form

  1. Staff who you know are committed to your continuing success and well-being.
  2. A school that responds to the needs of the employers and universities – developing an academic and vocational programme, some with extended work placement opportunities.
  3. Learning supported by a specialist resource centre, one to one help and a tutor who knows you.
  4. Fantastic new facilities. State of the design studios, new dance studios, a purpose built theatre, updated MFL facilities, updated PE block, new art and multimedia studios.
  5. An excellent range of courses with the opportunity to progress to University.
  6. Excellent results.
  7. Numerous trips, visits and residentials and an amazing enrichment programme working with world-class arts organisations.
  8. A high quality education with outstanding links to the best Universities.
  9. Location - You will not have to travel across London every morning!
  10. Staff who already know and understand you.