Name of subject: Biology
Examination board: OCR Biology A
Qualification – A-Level
Entry requirements: 7 grade in GCSE Biology and Mathematics; or 7:7 in Double Science and a 6 in Mathematics
Description of the course (Overview):
Some of the ideas explored at GCSE will be developed and taken further together with new concepts such as the chemical reactions in living organisms, the complex interrelation of ecosystems, and the detailed processes which allow complex organisms to function.
The study of Biology at Advanced level builds on knowledge gained at GCSE and starts to look at the subject at a molecular and cellular level. There is a strong focus on the context of Human Biology; students will be supported in developing excellent extended writing skills and strong links between topics. The topics covered in year 12: Development of practical skills; foundations in biology; exchange and transport; biodiversity, evolution and disease. Year 13 topics includes those in year 12 plus communication, homeostasis and energy; genetics; evolution and ecosystems.
The year 12 course will be assessed with internal examinations, and transition on to year 13 depends on passing these exams and showing progress has been achieved.
The A level course is assessed with 3 exams at the end of year 13. The course also involves a practical element, but this is pass fail, and is assessed internally. This will not contribute towards a final grade.
Throughout the course you will be expected to complete homework assignments which are designed to assist your learning. This will involve research and background reading. The course covers all the key skills namely required by a student, namely communication, numeracy, ICT, working with others, improving your own learning and problem solving.
Careers – progression. Where does this programme of study lead e.g. examples of the types of careers that students can progress into?
- Medical and Healthcare Routes
- Conservation, ecology, environmental science
- Research and development, particularly in clinical research
- Human and Physical Geography and Geology
- Sports and Sports Science related courses
- Law, Finance, Business and any other course with a strong analytical element
For further details or queries email Mr Macdonald -