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Welcome Back!​​​​​​​

Please see letter emailed home this week.

Dear parents and carers, 

Welcome back to a new academic year. We hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing break. Ironically, as we return to school the weather is set to become more summer-like! 

Firstly we would like to congratulate students who received their A level and GCSE results over summer. These two years groups were heavily impacted by the pandemic and with the return this year of the marking of exams replicating that of 2019, the results many students achieved are remarkable. We are very proud of them.

Of course such results could not occur without the support of families and the staff at Norwood School. We are in no doubt that when the school and families work together there is only ever a positive outcome for our young people. We look forward to working closely again with you this year.

You will no doubt be aware of the recent news regarding RAAC in schools. We have written separately to you to inform you of the school’s position and rest assured we will communicate further when we have any updates.

On a positive note over the summer break our premises team have been busy getting the school site ready for a new year.  The gym roof has been completed, new flooring in the small gym has followed and we have made improvements to the outside quad area. We have created some smaller spaces for increased one to one work and given all the classrooms a pop of colour. We continue to enhance the school environment where we can for the benefit of our students. 

There are important things to do this term: 

  • We have new students arriving in Year 7 who we offer a warm welcome to - we hope they will be happy here throughout their  Norwood journey. 

  • We will be welcoming prospective parents and pupils to the school through our open season and a number of students in Year 8 will be able to apply to become guides. 

  • Year 9 will soon be thinking about their potential choices for the future as they enter the last year of KS3. 

  • In Year 10 we begin a new set of GCSE subjects to study and Year 11 very soon begin their preparation for the first mock exams.  

  • In the 6th form we welcome many of our previous Year 11 back in Year 12 and wish them luck in their KS5 studies.  And of course Year 13 get to the serious business of university applications and preparation for their final year at Norwood.

Whatever year your child is in we wish them the best, hope they work hard and enjoy their 2023/24 academic year, making the most of all that school has to offer them. There will be much to do but also lots of enjoyable activities to get involved in to help balance hard work and studies with opportunities to broaden skills, talents and passions. 

One of the things we are passionate about is our school community - the value of every member in it and the ways in which we celebrate this. We start the year with the whole school working within their respective Houses (Apollo, Barbican, Globe and Phoenix). This is an opportunity to come together with students of all ages to work as a team on shared, fun activities.  We also congratulate Globe House on winning the overall House competition last year - their reward will form part of the house day on Friday 8th September. We wonder who will win this year…? 

On a more sombre note, you will remember that in July one of our students sadly passed away due to a sudden illness. We were grateful to attend Jefferson’s funeral in August along with other members of staff and some of our Year 9 students and families.  Despite the sadness of the occasion it was a well attended, truly beautiful ceremony and gathering which did him great justice.  We want to thank his family for the invitation. Rather than floral tributes the family asked for donations to a fund which will be donated to charity.  Should you wish to contribute, the link to the GoFundMe page is here.

Arrangements for the start of term are as follows - as previously advertised.

Wednesday 6th September Yr 7 Return on Wednesday 8:45 am in full school uniform - end of day collection from upper quad at 3pm.

Wednesday 6th September Yr 11 Academic Review Meetings throughout the day in the MFL area, please arrive via Crown Dale front entrance.

Thursday 7th September ALL STUDENTS including Sixth Form return. School day starts at 8:30am and finishes at 3:10pm.

Friday 8th September ALL students arrive in PE kit for House Day activities. (An email has been sent home to parents of Yr 8 - 13 children in Globe House - the winning team from last year’s house events about the skating rewards trip to Streatham Ice Rink on friday afternoon). 

Monday 11th September normal timetable lessons for all students resume.

Lunch and refreshments for Yr 7 this week

We will be providing free lunch for all Yr 7 on Wednesday 6th September.

ON Thursday and Friday of this week, students will be given a voucher to hand in for a free meal deal at lunchtime, students should bring their own breaktime refreshments and a refillable water bottle. Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch if they would prefer. From Monday 11th September, all new Year 7’s should be on the Parent Pay system with their accounts fully loaded ready to be used at break and lunchtime.  

Finally, we recognise that we continue to live in uncertain times and we know that many families are still feeling the continuous impact of the cost of living crisis and the stress this can place on young people. Please communicate any concerns or worries you have and we will do our utmost to support you moving forwards.

Best wishes for this academic year, 

Niki Clemenger & Richard Cole
